Liaison with other organizations

Through the members of the EBIC Executive, EBIC is either formally or informally liaised with the following organizations:

Brain IT, liaison: Dr. J. Sahuquillo 

Neurotraumatology Commitee of the WFNS, liaison: Dr. F. Servadei

Brain Trauma Foundation, guideline development, liaison: Dr. F. Servadei, Dr. A. Maas.

Euroacademia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatologica, liaison: Dr. A. Maas, Prof. A. Unterberg.

Rescue ICP, liaison: Dr. J. Sahuquillo, Dr. F. Servadei, Dr. A. Unterberg, Dr. D. Menon.

International Neurotrauma Society (INTS), liaison: Dr. A. Maas

International Neurotrauma Research Organization (INRO), liaison: Dr. A. Maas