Servadei F, Murray G, Teasdale GM, Braakman R, Cohadon F, Dearden M, Iannotti F, Karimi A, Lapierre F, Maas AIR, Ohman J, Persson L, Stocchetti N, Trojanowski T, Unterberg A: The value of “worst” CT Scan in clinical studies of moderate and severe head injury. Neurosurgery 46: 70-77, 2000
Nino Stocchetti, Marco Croci, Diego Spagnoli, Felicetta Gilardoni, Federico Resta, Angelo Colombo: Mass volume measurement in severe head injury: accuracy and feasibility of two pragmatic methods. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 68:14-17, 2000
G. Citerio, N. Stocchetti, M. Cormio, L. Beretta: Neuro-Link, a Computer-Assisted Database for Head Injury in Intensive Care. Acta Neurochirurgica 7:769-776, 2000
Maas AIR, Dearden M, Servadei F, Stocchetti N, Unterberg A: Current recommendations for neurotrauma. Current Opinion in Critical Care 6:281-292, 2000
Stocchetti N, Parma A, Songa V, Colombo A, Lamperti M, Tognini L: Early translaryngeal tracheostomy in patients with severe brain damage. Intensive Care Med, 26: 1101-1107, 2000
Procaccio F, Stocchetti N, Citerio G, Berardino M, Beretta L, Della Corte F, D'Avella D, Brambilla GL, Delfini R, Servadei F, Tomei G.:Guidelines for the treatment of adults with severe head trauma (part II). Criteria for medical treatment. J Neurosurg Sci. 44:11-8, 2000.
Davella D, Brambilla GL, Delfini R, Servadei F, Tomei G, Procaccio F, Stocchetti N, Citerio G, Berardino M, Beretta L, Della Corte F: Guidelines for the treatment of adults with severe head trauma (part III). Criteria for surgical treatment. J Neurosurg Sci. 44:19-24, 2000.
Procaccio F, Stocchetti N, Citerio G, Berardino M, Beretta L, Della Corte F, D'Avella D, Brambilla GL, Delfini R, Servadei F, Tomei G.: Guidelines for the treatment of adults with severe head trauma (part I). Initial assessment; evaluation and pre-hospital treatment; current criteria for hospital admission; systemic and cerebral monitoring. J Neurosurg Sci. 44:1-10, 2000 .
Stocchetti N, Parma A, Lamperti M, Songa V, Tognini: Neurophysiological consequences of three tracheostomy techniques. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 12: 307-313, 2000
Rossi S, Balestreri M, Spagnoli D, Bellinzona G, Valeriani V, Bruzzone P, Maestri M, Stocchetti: Oxygen delivery and oxygen tension in cerebral tissue during global cerebral ischaemia: a swine model. Acta Neurochir 76: 199-202, 2000
Rossi S, Longhi L, Balestreri M, Spagnoli D, de Leo A, Stocchetti N: Brain oxygen tension during hyperoxia in a swine model of cerebral ischaemia. Acta Neurochir 76: 243-245, 2000
Stocchetti N, Penny Kay I, Dearden M, et al on behalf of the European Brain Injury Consortium.: Intensive care management of head-injured patients in Europe. A survey from the European Brain Injury Consortium. Intensive Care Med 27:400-406, 2001
Rossi S, Stocchetti N, Longhi L, Balestreri M, Spagnoli D, Zanier ER, Bellinzona G.: Brain oxygen tension, oxygen supply, and oxygen consumption during arterial hyperoxia in a model of progressive cerebral ischemia. J Neurotrauma 18:163-74, 2001
Stocchetti N: Risk prevention, avoidable deaths and mortality-morbidity reduction in head injury. European J Em Med 8:1-5, 2001
Rossi S, Roncati Zanier E, Mauri I, Colombo A, Stocchetti N: Brain temperature, body core tempeature, and intracranial pressure in acute cerebral damage. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 71: 448-454 , 2001
De Santis A, Villani R, Sinisi M, Stocchetti N, Perucca E: Add-on phenytoin fails to prevent early seizures after surgery for supratentorial brain tumors: a randomized controlled study. Epilepsia. 2002 43:175-182, 2002
Stocchetti N, Rossi S, Roncati Zainer E, Colombo A, Beretta L, Citerio G: Pyrexia in head-injured patients admitted to intensive care. Intensive Care Medicine 28: 1555-1562, 2002
Mattioli C, Beretta L, Gerevini S, Veglia F, Citerio G, Cormio M, Stocchetti N: Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage on the computerized tomography scan obtained at admission: a multicenter assessment of the accuracy of diagnosis and the potential impact on patient outcome. J Neurosurg 98:37-42, 2003
Citerio G, Stocchetti N, Cormio M, Beretta L, Galli D, Pesenti A: Application of guidelines for severe head trauma: data from an Italian database. European J Emergency Medicine 10:68-72, 2003
Magnoni S, Stocchetti N, Colombo G, Carlin A, Colombo A, Lipton JM, Catania A: Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone is decreased in plasma patients with acute brain injury. J Neurotrauma 20, 251-260, 2003
Magnoni S, Ghisoni L, Locatelli M, Caimi M, Colombo A, Valeriani V, Stocchetti : Lack of improvement in cerebral metabolism after hyperoxia in severe head injury: a microdialysis study. J Neurosurg 98, 952-958, 2003
Stocchetti N, Longhi L, Magnoni S, Roncati Zanier E, Canavesi K: Head injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracranial pressure monitoring in Italy. Acta Neurochir 145:761-765, 2003
Stocchetti N, Longhi L, Valeriani V: Bilateral cannulation of internal jugular veins may worsen intracranial hypertension. Anesthesiology 99(4):1017-1018, 2003
Longhi L, Stocchetti N : Hyperoxia in head injury: therapeutic tool? Current Opinion in Critical Care 10:105-109, 2004