European funding for research on Traumatic Brain Injury
A formal collaboration between funding agencies has recently been established to promote research in TBI: International Initiative on Traumatic Brian Injuries Research (InTBIR). In this context the European Commission has issued a call in the context of the framework 7 program. EBIC will be participant in an application which is being prepared by Prof. Andrew Maas (Antwerp University Hospital) and Professor David Menon (University of Cambridge). The intended collaboration with EBIC will create many exciting opportunities for EBIC centers.
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Coordinating Centre
University of Cambridge University Division of Anaesthesia Box 93, 4th Floor, E Block
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 2QQ
Upcoming Events
March 15-17, 2014 Qatar Clinical Neuroscience Conference Doha, Qatar
March 19-23, 2014 11th International Neurotrauma Symposium (INTS) Budapest, Hungary
March 19-23, 2014 IBIA 2014 - 10th World Congress on Brain Injury San Francisco, California