Aims of EBIC
- To promote and conduct research aimed at improving the outcome of patients with acute brain injury; to bring a strong, independent clinical perspective to the evaluation of new treatments.
- To establish close cooperation between European head injury centers and investigators in the management of TBI and other types of acute brain damage. To negotiate with and work in partnership with sponsors to ensure excellence in the design, conduct and analysis and publication of clinical trials in neuroprotection.
- To act as an advisory organ both in practical and theoretical issues concerning all kinds of brain injury studies.
The consortium holds a general meeting on average once per year to appraise EBIC activities in the past year, to discuss development and to develop plans for the future. An Executive Committee, consisting of 10 to 15 members, acts on behalf of the consortium, evaluates and develops proposals for future activities and is actively involved in the coordination of projects. The next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday May 5 in Newcastle during the EANS-ICH meeting.
Members for the Executive Committee are elected during the annual meeting of the consortium. The European Brain Injury Consortium is established in the United Kingdom and European Union as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. The directors of the company are the members of the Executive and such others as determined from time to time. EBIC aims at a broad representation within the Executive and welcomes nominations for new membership. Nominations for new membership of the EBIC Executive may be submitted in writing to the EBIC Coordinating Center.
Communication with the consortium is through its coordinating center (at present in Antwerp) which also carries out functions determined by the Executive members of the European Brain Injury Consortium Ltd.